A local vessel, the K-Mar-K from Killybegs, was chartered for this purpose. The vessels top speed of greater than 20 knots, high maneuverability and experienced crew proved highly successful for sample acquisition.

90 proposed sample sites were identified in the area, based on bathymetric data previously collected by INFOMAR surveys and also on seabed classification map products by INFOMAR. Of these proposed locations, 80 were successfully sampled, despite adverse weather conditions.

In all instances, the 'Day Grab' was used to ensure consistency in results and due to ease of handling of this grab design. The samples recovered were described and photographed once brought on deck but will also undergo further detailed particle size analysis and will be used to refine INFOMAR seabed classification and geology products for the region.

The use of a suitable, locally sourced vessel capable of high-speed transits between sample locations, maximised the cost effectiveness of this sampling campaign in Donegal and Sligo Bays.
All INFOMAR data is available for free download here.